Addiction Treatment & Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center Near Moultonborough, NH

Substance misuse disorder is a mental health condition that can dramatically impact a person’s life and well-being. The good news is alcohol and drug dependence can be treated. The Plymouth House offers a combination of evidence-based therapies, medical supervision, and holistic treatments to help achieve long-term relief from addiction.

If you or someone you love are struggling with substance use disorder, we encourage you to seek treatment at The Plymouth House near Moultonborough. Our rehab programs comprehensively address the underlying factors that lead to substance misuse and provide individuals with the coping skills they need to achieve abstinence and maintain lasting recovery.

Drug Detox & Addiction Treatment Services Near Moultonborough, NH

Our New Hampshire rehab center offers detox and substance misuse treatment services for addictive substances, including illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine, and prescription medications, such as painkillers, benzodiazepines, and stimulants.

Alcohol Detox

Due to its legality and availability, alcohol is the most often misused substance. Although lethal alcohol poisoning is rare, alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is not. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Alcohol dependence is associated with potentially dangerous and deadly consequences, leading to hallucinations, psychosis, fever, and seizures (delirium tremens) in severe cases (1). Even relatively mild and moderate symptoms can include depression, anxiety, elevated heart rate, tremors, and more.

Because alcohol withdrawal is so risky among those with physical dependence, those attempting to detox must do so under medical supervision. Our compassionate healthcare team can administer medications to ease withdrawal symptoms, prevent complications, and reduce cravings. 

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Our Drug & Alcohol recovery services are second to none.

Learn how we can help by speaking with one of our Treatment Advisors today.

Prescription Drug Detox

Some prescription medications have an increased risk of physical or psychological dependence, which can lead to misuse. The most commonly misused prescription drugs fall into the following categories: painkillers, depressants, and stimulants. 

Treatment for prescription medication misuse disorder depends on the substance. Medical management follows the same course of treatment for prescription and illicit substances in the same drug class. 

Opioid Detox

Prescription opioids like oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, codeine, and fentanyl carry an increased risk of dependence. Misuse of prescription opioids can lead to dependence on illicit opioids, such as heroin.

Opioid withdrawal symptoms can be painful and difficult. Medically supervised opioid detox can help to manage withdrawal in a private, comfortable setting. 

Prescription fentanyl is also a common drug of misuse. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports most of the fentanyl in the U.S. is in illicit forms produced by drug cartels, which is reportedly 50 times more potent than heroin (2).

Stimulant Detox

Prescription stimulants are used to treat symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), such as difficulty concentrating and impulsivity. These commonly include amphetamine, dextroamphetamine (Adderall), and methylphenidate (Ritalin). 

Prescription and illicit stimulant use disorders are a growing problem that affects millions of Americans, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports (3). Stimulant withdrawal can cause fatigue, an increased appetite, depression, mood swings, and insomnia. 

While the physical symptoms are less severe than with other drugs, the mental and emotional effects of stimulant detox can be taxing. Evidence-based therapies are used to treat the psychological aspects of stimulant withdrawal. 

Benzodiazepine Detox

Benzodiazepines (benzos) are central nervous system depressants, also sometimes referred to as minor tranquilizers or sedatives. They include prescription medications such as alprazolam (Xanax) and lorazepam (Valium), which doctors prescribe to treat anxiety and sleep disturbances. 

Benzo withdrawal symptoms can be severe and, similar to alcohol withdrawal, can be life-threatening. Medically supervised detox can help prevent seizures and keep you safe and comfortable while stopping benzos.

Heroin and Fentanyl Detox

Heroin and street versions of fentanyl are illicit opioids that cause the same withdrawal symptoms as prescription opioids. As such, medically supervised detox from these drugs follows a similar treatment protocol as prescription painkillers.   

Synthetic Drug Detox

Synthetic drugs are substances produced in clandestine labs that imitate the effects of opioids, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, or other drugs. Treatments for synthetic drug withdrawal vary depending on the type of drug. 

Examples of illicit synthetic opioids found illicitly include U47700, fentanyl analogs, and carfentanil, and they can be treated similarly to other opioids. Others include synthetic cannabinoids (K2, Spice), cathinones (bath salts), hallucinogens such as LSD, dissociatives, and others. 

Our Drug & Alcohol Treatment Services Include

Our Levels of Care for Substance Use Recovery

At the Plymouth House near Moultonborough, we offer inpatient and partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) that include evidence-based approaches, such as individual therapy, group and family therapy, holistic practices, and more. 

Our residential inpatient program involves around-the-clock stays and medical monitoring at our treatment facility. This highly structured, intensive form of treatment provides consistent, full daily schedules and is suitable for those who need a very intensive, inclusive level of treatment.

Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) includes similar therapeutic options as inpatient treatment, but individuals return home at night. This level of care may be most appropriate for those who have already completed an inpatient program or require more flexibility than an inpatient format can provide.

Finally, our extended care program allows individuals to further their treatment at The Plymouth House campus to continue therapy and attend group meetings and workshops. While engaging in this program, guests live off-site at a safe, sober living facility with a supportive community. Participating in this program allows guests to transition back to the real world gradually and confidently while being supported by our community.

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Don’t let Drug & Alcohol addiction control your life.
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(888) 693-1927

Substance Use Treatment Therapies Include:

Other services include professional interventions, life skills training, yoga, meditation, and more.

Features To Look for in a Local Addiction Treatment Center Near Moultonborough Include:

  • Is licensed by the state and accredited by The Joint Commission or other organization 
  • Uses safe, effective, evidence-based strategies to treat addiction and other behavioral health conditions 
  • Offers highly individualized programs and methodologies designed to meet each person’s unique circumstances, needs, and recovery goals
  • Provides programs that address the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of addiction to ensure a well-rounded treatment approach
  • Employs experienced and licensed medical providers and mental health specialists qualified to work in their fields of expertise
  • Offers flexible levels of care and provides transitionary treatment
  • Further addresses the underlying factors that contribute to mental health conditions and addiction to help prevent relapse
  • Enlists family participation to ensure individuals feel safe and supported throughout the process and as they return to their everyday lives.
  • Provides opportunities to attend support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which offer a comforting environment to meet with peers who have overcome similar addictions and offer guidance and encouragement
  • Has a high staff-to-guest ratio to ensure each individual gets the assistance and dedicated time they deserve 
  • Accepts various payment methods, including private insurance, government-funded insurance, and self-pay options

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  • Individual Focus

  • Caring & Experienced Staff

  • Recovery Retreat

  • Fully Licensed & Accredited 

Don’t Suffer Any Longer

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Why Choose The Plymouth House for Your Recovery?

At the Plymouth House, we employ a multidisciplinary team of medical and behavioral health specialists and experienced support staff. Together, we work to ensure each individual we treat receives holistic, personalized care designed to provide them with the education and treatment they need to conquer addiction and reclaim the life they deserve.

Please contact us to learn more about our detox services, levels of care, and innovative therapies we offer our guests. You can also receive a free, no-obligation health insurance benefits check and find out how to get started with our streamlined admissions process and navigate your recovery journey.

  1. U.S. National Library of Medicine: “Alcohol withdrawal.” Available at:
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “Fentanyl Facts.” Available at:
  3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: “TIP 33 Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorders.” Available at:

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